- 姓名
- 史哲
- 积分
- 641
- 帖子
- 35
- 精华
- 0
- 人品
- 210
- 学分
- 201
- 鲜花
- 0 朵
- 主题
- 36
- 姓名
- 史哲
发表于 2011-10-26 22:05:58
Legal Assistant
- 公司规模:500 - 999人
- 公司性质:外商独资.外企办事处
- 公司行业:计算机软件,保险
- 职位性质:全职
- 发布日期:2011-10-26
- 工作经验:不限
- 截止日期:2012-6-7
- 学历要求:本科以上
- 招聘人数:1人
- 语言能力:英语/良好
- 简历语言:中文
- 工作地点:上海市
- 职位描述:
1. to assist in interpretation, draft, review and preparation of contracts, response to inquiries and other legal documents pertinent to corporate services departments;
2. to assist in interpretation, draft, review and preparation of contracts and other legal documents pertinent to business transactions globally;
3. to conduct legal research on the laws and regulations global wise;
4. to prepare and assist in management of corporate filings;
5. to assist in the general compliance and regulatory management;
6. to assist in the preparation of documents and support in the coordination pertinent to the global corporate development;
7. to assist in the document preparation, coordination of intellectual property related issues as well as strengthening implementation of long term intellectual property protection strategy; and
8. to provide auxiliary support as instructed from time to time related to the legal and compliance affairs.
The ideal candidate will have the following key qualifications and competencies:
1. Major in law;
2. Preferably with 1 or 2 years working experiences in law firm or foreign-invested companies, but fresh graduate with solid internship experience will also be considered;
3. Strong drafting, negotiation and legal analytical skills;
4. Capable to communicate well and work in a cross-functional team to achieve common goals;
5. Capable to appreciate and grasp concepts and principle of law from multiple jurisdictions;
6. Capable to identify and escalate issues timely and appropriately, and to prioritize and respond to business needs and goals;
7. Capable and willing to work under pressure;
8. Details oriented;
9. Sense of urgency, accountability;
10. Team player; and
11. Honest and high level of integrity is a must. - 招聘易保网络技术(上海)有限公司.公司介绍:易保网络技术(上海)有限公司www.eBaoTech.com是世界领先的保险应用软件提供商,致力于为产、寿险公司提供基于Java的保险核心业务应用软件解决方案。全球众多知名保险公司都与易保建立了长久的合作,如:安达寿险、苏黎世金融集团、新加坡职总英康保险、法国国家人寿、富通国际股份有限公司、英国保诚集团、美国丘博保险集团、瑞士人寿、大东方保险公司、安盛保险、利宝互助等。易保自2000年成立至今,已先后在北京、新加坡、瑞士苏黎世、马来西亚、印度、东京开设了分公司, 目前正在筹建香港、伦敦、纽约等地的分支机构。在全球范围内,易保现有近700位雇员,主要工作在软件产品研发、保险核心业务咨询、系统项目实施等专业领域。
易保拥有优秀的核心管理团队,成员分别来自于McKinsey、IBM、Oracle等企业。GE Capital、Softbank等国际投资机构都已成为易保的战略合作伙伴。
创新Innovation (I)、质量Quality (Q)和人才People (IQ),是易保持续发展的立足点。凭借拥有自主知识产权的保险软件产品和经营业绩,被中国政府认定为“国家重点软件企业”,荣列2006年中国自主创新榜十强企业。2007年,易保成为政府正式授牌的“在校大学生实习基地”,更多的年轻学子有机会在易保汲取到领先的行业知识、优秀的专业技能,以及开阔的国际视野。