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中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例(附英文) [复制链接]

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发表于 1994-6-24 08:00:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


  【颁布单位】 国务院

  【颁布日期】 19940624

  【实施日期】 19940701

  【章名】 第一章 总 则

  第一条 为了确认公司的企业法人资格,规范公司登记行为,依据《

  第二条 有限责任公司和股份有限公司(以下统称公司)设立、变更、

  第三条 公司经公司登记机关依法核准登记,领取《企业法人营业执


  第四条 工商行政管理机关是公司登记机关。



  第五条 国家工商行政管理局主管全国的公司登记工作。

  【章名】 第二章 登记管辖

  第六条 国家工商行政管理局负责下列公司的登记:






  第七条 省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局负责本辖区内下列公司






  第八条 市、县工商行政管理局负责本辖区内本条例第六条和第七条

  【章名】 第三章 登记事项

  第九条 公司的登记事项包括:名称、住所、法定代表人、注册资本

  第十条 公司的登记事项应当符合法律、行政法规的规定。不符合法

  第十一条 公司名称应当符合国家有关规定。公司只能使用一个名称

  第十二条 公司的住所是公司主要办事机构所在地。经公司登记机关

  第十三条 公司的注册资本应当以人民币表示,法律、行政法规另有

  【章名】 第四章 设立登记

  第十四条 设立公司应当申请名称预先核准。


  第十五条 设立有限责任公司,应当由全体股东指定的代表或者共同






  第十六条 预先核准的公司名称保留期为6个月。预先核准的公司名称

  第十七条 设立有限责任公司,应当由全体股东指定的代表或者共同












  第十八条 设立股份有限公司,董事会应当于创立大会结束后30日内













  第十九条 公司申请登记的经营范围中有法律、行政法规规定必须报

  第二十条 公司章程有违反法律、行政法规的内容的,公司登记机关

  第二十一条 公司住所证明是指能够证明公司对其住所享有使用权的

  第二十二条 经公司登记机关核准设立登记并发给《企业法人营业执

  【章名】 第五章 变更登记

  第二十三条 公司变更登记事项,应当向原公司登记机关申请变更登


  第二十四条 公司申请变更登记,应当向公司登记机关提交下列文件





  第二十五条 公司变更名称的,应当自变更决议或者决定作出之日起

  第二十六条 公司变更住所的,应当在迁入新住所前申请变更登记,


  第二十七条 公司变更法定代表人的,应当自变更决议或者决定作出

  第二十八条 公司变更注册资本的,应当提交具有法定资格的验资机



  第二十九条 公司变更经营范围的,应当自变更决议或者决定作出之

  第三十条 公司变更类型的,应当按照拟变更的公司类型的设立条件

  第三十一条 有限责任公司变更股东的,应当自股东发生变动之日起


  第三十二条 公司章程修改未涉及登记事项的,公司应当将修改后的

  第三十三条 公司董事、监事、经理发生变动的,应当向原公司登记

  第三十四条 因合并、分立而存续的公司,其登记事项发生变化的,


  第三十五条 变更登记事项涉及《企业法人营业执照》载明事项的,

  【章名】 第六章 注销登记

  第三十六条 有下列情形之一的,公司清算组织应当自公司清算结束






  第三十七条 公司申请注销登记,应当提交下列文件:






  第三十八条 经公司登记机关核准注销登记,公司终止。

  【章名】 第七章 分公司的登记

  第三十九条 分公司是指公司在其住所以外设立的从事经营活动的机

  第四十条 公司设立分公司的,应当向分公司所在地的市、县公司登

  第四十一条 分公司的登记事项包括:名称、营业场所、负责人、经



  第四十二条 公司设立分公司的,应当自决定作出之日起30日内向公






  第四十三条 分公司变更登记事项的,应当向公司登记机关申请变更



  第四十四条 公司撤销分公司的,应当自撤销决定作出之日起30日内

  【章名】 第八章 登记程序

  第四十五条 公司登记机关收到申请人提交的符合本条例规定的全部




  第四十六条 公司办理设立登记、变更登记,应当按照规定向公司登




  第四十七条 公司登记机关应当将核准登记的公司登记事项记载于公

  第四十八条 股份有限公司应当在其设立、变更、注销登记被核准后


  【章名】 第九章 年度检验

  第四十九条 每年1月1日至4月30日,公司登记机关对公司进行年度检

  第五十条 公司应当按照公司登记机关的要求,在规定的时间内接受


  第五十一条 公司登记机关应当根据公司提交的年度检验材料,对与

  第五十二条 公司应当向公司登记机关缴纳年度检验费。年度检验费

  【章名】 第十章 证照和档案管理

  第五十三条 《企业法人营业执照》、《营业执照》分为正本和副本



  第五十四条 任何单位和个人不得伪造、涂改、出租、出借、转让营



  第五十五条 公司登记机关对需要认定的营业执照,可以临时扣留,

  第五十六条 借阅、抄录、携带、复制公司登记档案资料的,应当按


  第五十七条 营业执照正本、副本样式以及公司登记的有关重要文书

  【章名】 第十一章 法律责任

  第五十八条 办理公司登记时虚报注册资本,取得公司登记的,由公

  第五十九条 办理公司登记时提交虚假证明文件或者采取其他欺诈手

  第六十条 公司的发起人、股东未交付货币、实物或者未转移财产权

  第六十一条 公司的发起人、股东在公司成立后,抽逃出资的,由公

  第六十二条 公司成立后无正当理由超过6个月未开业的,或者开业后

  第六十三条 公司变更登记事项,未按照规定办理有关变更登记的,

  第六十四条 公司在合并、分立、减少注册资本或者进行清算时,不

  第六十五条 清算组织不按照规定向公司登记机关报送清算报告,或

  第六十六条 公司破产、解散清算结束后,不申请办理注销登记的,

  第六十七条 股份有限公司设立、变更、注销登记后,不在规定期限

  第六十八条 公司不按照规定接受年度检验的,由公司登记机关处以

  第六十九条 伪造、涂改、出租、出借、转让营业执照的,由公司登

  第七十条 未将营业执照置于住所或者营业场所醒目位置的,由公司

  第七十一条 公司超出核准登记的经营范围从事经营活动的,由公司

  第七十二条 未依法登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司,而冒用

  第七十三条 公司登记机关对不符合规定条件的公司登记申请予以登

  【章名】 第十二章 附 则

  第七十四条 外国公司在中华人民共和国境内设立的分支机构的登记

  第七十五条 外商投资的有限责任公司的登记,适用本条例。有关外

  第七十六条 本条例自1994年7月1日起施行。

  【名称】 Regulations of the People's Republic of China on A
dministration ofRegistration of Companies

  【题注】 (Promulgated on June 24, 1994)

  【章名】 Whole documentRegulations of the People's Republic
of China on Administration ofRegistration of Companies(Promulga
ted on June 24, 1994)

  【章名】 Chapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1

  These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Comp
any Law ofthe People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred t
o as the CompanyLaw) in order to affirm the qualifications of en
terprise legal persons ofcompanies and standardize the registrat
ion activities of companies.Article 2

  The establishment, change and closing down of all limited li
abilitycompanies and all companies limited by shares (hereinafte
r referred to asthe company) shall conduct their company regist
ration in accordance withthese Regulations.Article 3

  A company can only obtain the qualifications of an enterpris
e legalperson after having been approved to register by the comp
any registrationauthority as provided by law and having got a Bu
siness License ofEnterprise Legal Person.

  A company, where it is established after the date of coming 
intoeffect of these Regulations, shall not engage in business ac
tivities inthe name of a company without being approved to regis
ter by the companyregistration authority.Article 4

  The administration for industry and commerce is the companyr
egistration authority.

  The company registration authority at a lower level shall co
nductcompany registration under the leadership of the company re
gistrationauthority at a higher level.

  The company registration authority does its duty as provided
by law,and does not accept any illegal intervention.Article 5

  The State Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce is
responsible for company registration of the whole country.

  【章名】 Chapter 2 Jurisdiction of RegistrationArticle 6

  The State Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce is
responsible for registrations of the following companies:

  (1) companies limited by shares which are approved to establ
ish by theauthorized department of the State Council;

  (2) companies with investment authorized by the State Counci

  (3) limited liability companies in which the investment inst
itution(s) or department (s) authorized by the State Council is 
the sole investoror are the joint investors;

  (4) limited liability companies with foreign investment; an

  (5) other companies that should be registered by the StateAd
ministration Bureau for Industry and Commerce in accordance with
theprovisions of law or of the State Council.Article 7

  The administrations for industry and commerce at the level o
f aprovince, autonomous region or municipality directly under th
e CentralGovernment are responsible for the registration of the 
following companiesin areas under their respective jurisdiction:

  (1) companies limited by shares which are approved to establ
ish by thepeople's governments of provinces, autonomous regions 
or municipalitiesdirectly under the Central Government;

  (2) companies with investment authorized by the people's gov
ernmentsof provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities direc
tly under theCentral Government;

  (3) limited liability companies in which the investment inst
itution(s) or department (s) authorized by the State Council and
other investorsare the joint capital contributors;

  (4) limited liability companies in which the investment inst
itution(s) or department (s) authorized by the people's governme
nt of a province,autonomous region or municipality directly unde
r the Central Government isthe sole investor or are the joint in
vestors; and

  (5) companies of which the registration is entrusted by the 
StateAdministration Bureau for Industry and Commerce.Article 8

  The administration for industry and commerce at the level of
amunicipality or a county is responsible for registration of th
e companiesin the area under its respective jurisdiction other t
han those listed inArticle 6 and Article 7 of these Regulations,
and the concretejurisdiction of registration shall be provided 
by the administration forindustry and commerce at the level of a
province, an autonomous region ora municipality directly under
the Central Government.

  【章名】 Chapter 3 Registered ItemsArticle 9

  The registered items of a company include: title, domicile, 
legalrepresentative, registered capital, type of enterprise, bu
siness scope,term of operation, names or titles of shareholders
of a limited liabilitycompany or of promoters of a company limi
ted by shares.Article 10

  A company's registered items shall be in conformity with pro
visions oflaw and administrative regulations. In case of unconfo
rmity, the companyregistration authority shall refuse to registe
r.Article 11

  A company's name shall be in conformity with the relevant pr
ovisionsof the State. A company can only have one name. The comp
any's name whichhas been approved to register by the company reg
istration authority isprotected by law.Article 12

  A company's domicile is the place where the company's admini
strativebody is located. A company can only have one domicile wh
ich has beenregistered by the company registration authority. Th
e company's domicileshould be within the jurisdiction area of th
e company registrationauthority.Article 13

  Except that the law and administrative regulations otherwise
provide,the registered capital of a company should be expressed
in Renminbi (RMB).

  【章名】 Chapter 4 Registration of EstablishmentArticle 14

  The establishment of a company shall, upon application, be 
subject topre-approval of its name.

  Where the establishment of a company must be submitted for e
xaminationand approval in accordance with law or administrative 
regulations or thereare items in the company's business scope th
at must be submitted forexamination and approval in accordance w
ith law or administrativeregulations, pre-approval of the compan
y's name should be conducted beforesubmission for examination an
d approval, and the examination and approvalshall be submitted f
or in the name which has been approved by the companyregistratio
n authority.Article 15

  In establishing a limited liability company, the name pre-a
pprovalshall be applied for with the company registration author
ity by therepresentative appointed by all the shareholders or by
the agent entrustedjointly by all the shareholders. In establis
hing a company limited byshares, the name pre-approval shall be 
applied for with the companyregistration authority by the repres
entative appointed by all thepromoters or by the agent entrusted
jointly by all the promoters.

  To apply for name pre-approval, the following documents shal
l besubmitted:

  (1) application for name pre-approval signed by all the shar
eholdersof the limited liability company or by all the promoters
of the companylimited by shares;

  (2) legal person qualification certificates of the sharehold
ers or ofthe promoters or identity certificates of natural perso
ns; and

  (3) other documents required to be submitted by the companyr
egistration authority.

  The company registration authorities shall make a decision o
f approvalor refusal within 10 days from the date of receipt of 
the documents listedin the above section. Where the company regi
stration authority decides toapprove, it shall issue a Notifica
tion of Company's Name Pre-Approval.Article 16

  The period of retention of a company's name as pre-approved 
is sixmonths. In the period of retention, the company's name as 
pre-approvedshall not be used in business activities, nor shall 
it be assigned.Article 17

  In establishing a limited liability company, the registrati
on ofestablishment should be applied for with the company regist
rationauthority by the representative appointed by all the share
holders or bythe agent entrusted jointly by all the shareholders
. In establishing awholly state-owned company, the registration 
of establishment should beapplied for by the state-authorized in
vestment institution or thestate-authorized department. Where th
e establishment of a limitedliability company must be submitted 
for examination and approval inaccordance with any law or admini
strative regulations, the registration ofestablishment should be
applied for within 90 days from the date ofapproval. Where the 
registration of establishment is applied for beyondthe time limi
t, the applicant should require the examination and approvalauth
ority to confirm the effect of the original approval documents, 
orsubmit for a separate approval.

  To apply for establishing a limited liability company, the 
followingdocuments should be submitted to the company registrati
on authority:

  (1) application for registration of establishment signed by 
thechairman of the board of directors of the company;

  (2) certificate of appointed representative or jointly entru
sted agentby all the shareholders;

  (3) the company's articles of association;

  (4) investment verification certificates issued by a legally
authorized investment verification authority;

  (5) legal person qualification certificates of the sharehold
ers oridentity certificates of natural persons;

  (6) documents indicating the names and residence of the comp
any'sdirectors, supervisors and managers, and the certificates r
elating totheir appointments, elections or engagements;

  (7) documents of tenure of office and identity certificate o
f thecompany's legal representative;

  (8) the Notification of the Company's Name Pre-Approval; an

  (9) domicile certificate of the company.

  Where any law or administrative regulations require that the
establishment of a limited liability company be subject to exami
nation andapproval, the approval documents concerned shall also 
be submitted.Article 18

  To establish a company limited by shares, the board of direc
torsshall, within 30 days of the conclusion of the founding meet
ing, apply tothe company registration authority for registration
of establishment.

  To apply for establishing a company limited by shares, the f
ollowingdocuments should be submitted to the company registratio
n authority:

  (1) application for registration of establishment signed by 
thechairman of the board of directors of the company;

  (2) approval documents issued by the departments authorized 
by theState Council or the people's government of a province, au
tonomous regionor municipality directly under the Central Govern
ment; For a companylimited by shares which is established by the
offer method; the approvaldocuments issued by the securities ad
ministration authorities of the StateCouncil shall also be submi

  (3) minutes of the founding meeting;

  (4) the company's articles of association;

  (5) the auditors's report on financial matters relating to t
hepreparations for establishment of the company;

  (6) investment verification certificate issued by a legally 
authorizedinvestment verification authority;

  (7) legal person qualification certificates of the promoters
oridentity certificates of natural persons;

  (8) documents indicating the names and residences of the com
pany'sdirectors, supervisors and managers, and the certificates 
relating totheir appointments, elections or engagements;

  (9) documents of tenure of office and identity certificate o
f thecompany's legal representative;

  (10) the Notification of the Company's Name Pre-Approval; a

  (11) domicile certificate of the company.Article 19

  Where there are items in a company's business scope being ap
plied forregistration that should be submitted for examination a
nd approval inaccordance with any law or administrative regulati
ons, examination andapproval should be obtained from the relevan
t state departments beforeapplying for registration, and the app
roval documents should be submittedto the company registration a
uthority.Article 20

  Where there exists content in the company's articles of asso
ciationwhich is contrary to any law or administrative regulation
s, the companyregistration authority has the power to require th
e company to makerelevant amendments.Article 21

  The domicile certificate of a company refers to the document
which canprove that the company has the right to use its domici
le.Article 22

  A company is founded after the registration of establishment
has beenapproved and a Business License of Enterprise Legal Per
son has been issuedby the company registration authority. Upon r
eceipt of the BusinessLicense of Enterprise Legal Person issued 
by the company registrationauthority, the company can engrave se
als, open an account with a bank andapply for registration of pa
ying taxes.

  【章名】 Chapter 5 Registration of ChangesArticle 23

  To change some registered items, a company shall apply forre
gistration of modifications with the original company registrati

  Where the registration of change has not been approved, the
companyshall not presumptuously change any of the registered it
ems.Article 24

  When applying for registration of changes, a company shall s
ubmit thefollowing documents to the company registration authori

  (1) an application for registration of change signed by the 
company'slegal representative;

  (2) a change resolution or decision made in accordance with 
theCompany Law; and

  (3) other documents required to be submitted by the companyr
egistration authority.

  Where a company's change of registered items relates to amen
ding thecompany's articles of association, the amended articles 
of association orthe amendment of the articles of association sh
all be submitted.Article 25

  A company which changes its name should apply for registrati
on ofchange within 30 days from the date of making the resolutio
n or decisionon change.Article 26

  A company, where it changes its domicile, should apply forr
egistration of change before it moves to the new domicile and su
bmit thecertificate of using the new domicile.

  Where the changed domicile goes beyond the jurisdiction area
of thecompany registration authority, the company shall apply f
or registrationof change with the company registration authority
in the place to whichthe company will move before it moves to t
he new domicile. If the companyregistration authority in the pla
ce to which the company will move acceptsthe application, the or
iginal company registration authority shalltransfer the company 
registration files to the company registrationauthority in the p
lace to which the company will move.Article 27

  A company which changes its legal representative should appl
y forregistration of change within 30 days from the date of maki
ng theresolution or decision of modification.Article 28

  A company which changes its registered capital shall submit 
theinvestment verification certificate issued by a legally autho
rizedinvestment verification authority.

  A company which increases its registered capital shall apply
forregistration of change within 30 days from the date of payin
g in fullshare funds. A company limited by shares which increase
s its registeredcapital shall submit the approval documents from
the state-authorizeddepartment or the people's government of a 
province, an autonomous regionor a municipality directly under t
he Central Government; and if thecompany increases its registere
d capital by the offer method, the approvaldocuments from the se
curities administration authorities of the StateCouncil shall al
so be submitted.

  A company which reduces its registered capital shall apply f
orregistration of change within 90 days from the date of making 
theresolution or decision of reducing its registered capital, an
d shallsubmit the relevant certificates of the company's public 
notices ofreducing registered capital carried in a newspaper at 
least three timesand the company's illustration of paying debt o
r of debt assurance.Article 29

  A company which changes its business scope shall apply forre
gistration of change within 30 days from the date of making ther
esolution or decision of change; Where the change of the busines
s scoperelates to the items which must be submitted for examinat
ion and approvalin accordance with law or administrative regulat
ions, the registration ofchange shall be applied for within 30 
days from the date of approval fromthe relevant State department
.Article 30

  A company which changes its form shall, in accordance with t
heestablishment requirements of the company form of the company 
to which thecompany intends to change, apply for registration of
change with thecompany registration authority in the fixed time
limit and submit therelevant documents.Article 31

  A limited liability company which changes its shareholders, 
shouldapply for registration of change within 30 days from the d
ate of change,and should submit the legal person qualification c
ertificates of the newshareholders or the identity certificates 
of natural persons.

  Where a shareholder of a limited liability company or a prom
oter of acompany limited by shares changes its name or title, th
e registration ofchange shall be applied for within 30 days from
the change of name ortitle.Article 32

  Where the amendment of a company's articles of association d
oes notrelate to the registered items, the company shall submit 
its amendedarticles of association or its amendment of articles 
of association to theoriginal company registration authority for
record.Article 33

  Where there is a change in the directors, supervisors or ma
nager of acompany, the company shall submit for record to the or
iginal companyregistration authority.Article 34

  A company which survives a merger or division, where its reg
istereditems change, shall apply for registration of alternation
; A company whichis dissolute due to a merger or division shall 
apply for cancellation ofregistration; A new company which is es
tablished due to a merger ordivision shall apply for registratio
n of establishment.

  A company which is merged or divided shall apply for registr
ationwithin 90 days from the date of making the resolution or de
cision ofmerger or division, and should submit the merger agreem
ent and resolutionor decision of merger of division, the certifi
cates of the company'spublic notices of the merger or division c
arried in a newspaper at leastthree times and the illustration o
f paying debt or of debt assurance.Where a company limited by sh
ares is merged or divided, the approvaldocuments from the state 
-authorized department or from the people'sgovernment of a provi
nce, an autonomous region or a municipality directlyunder the Ce
ntral Government should also be submitted.Article 35

  Where the change of registered items relates to the items re
corded onthe Business License of Enterprise legal person, the co
mpany registrationauthority shall issue a new business license.

  【章名】 Chapter 6 Registration of CancellationArticle 36

  In any of the following circumstances, the liquidation grou
p shall,within 30 days from the date of completing the liquidati
on of a company,apply for canceling the company's registration w
ith the original companyregistration authority:

  (1) the company is declared bankrupt as provided by law;

  (2) pursuant to the provisions of the company's articles ofa
ssociation, the term of operation of the company expires or one 
of theother events which are grounds for dissolution occurs;

  (3) a resolution for dissolution is passed by the shareholde

  (4) dissolution is necessary due to a merger or division of 
thecompany; and

  (5) the company is ordered to close down in accordance with 
law;Article 37

  When a company applies for canceling its registration, the f
ollowingdocuments shall be submitted:

  (1) an application for cancellation of registration signed b
y theperson in charge of the company's liquidation group;

  (2) an adjudication of bankruptcy made by court, resolution
ordecision made by the company in accordance with the Company L
aw ordocuments of ordering to close down issued by an administra
tive organ;

  (3) liquidation report confirmed by the shareholders' meetin
g or thecompetent authority;

  (4) the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person; and

  (5) other documents that shall be submitted as provided by l
aw oradministrative regulations.Article 38

  A company terminates after having been approved to cancel th
eregistration by the company registration authority.

  【章名】 Chapter 7 Registration of Branch of a CompanyArtic
le 39

  A branch refers to the institution engaged in business activ
itieswhich is set up by a company in another domicile. No branch
of a companyhas the status of an enterprise legal person.Articl
e 40

  A company which establishes a branch shall apply for registr
ation withthe company registration authority at the level of mun
icipality or countywhere the branch is located; If the branch is
approved to register, aBusiness License will be issued.Article 

  The registered items of a branch include: the name, location
ofbusiness premises, person in charge and business scope.

  The name of a branch shall be in conformity with the relevan
tprovisions of the state.

  The business scope of a branch shall not exceed that of the 
company.Article 42

  A company which establishes a branch shall, within 30 days f
rom thedate of making the decision, apply for registration with
the companyregistration authority; Where the establishment of a
branch must besubmitted to the relevant department for examinat
ion and approval asprovided by law or administrative regulations
, the registration shall,within 30 days from the date of approv
al, be applied for with the companyregistration authority.

  To set up a branch, the following documents shall be submitt
ed to thecompany registration authority:

  (1) an application for registration of establishment of the 
branchsigned by the company's legal representative;

  (2) the company's articles of association and a duplicate co
py of theBusiness License of Enterprise Legal Person sealed with
the seal of thecompany registration authority of the company;

  (3) a certificate of use of the business premises; and

  (4) other documents required to be submitted by the companyr
egistration authority.Article 43

  Where a branch changes its registered items, the registratio
n ofalternation shall be applied for with the company registrati
on authority.

  In applying for registration of alternation, the application
forregistration of change signed by the company's legal represe
ntative shallbe submitted. Where the name of a branch changes du
e to the change of thename of the company, a duplicate of the co
mpany's Business License ofEnterprise Legal Person shall be subm
itted. Where the changed businessscope relates to the items that
must be submitted for examination andapproval as provided by la
w or administrative regulations, the approvaldocuments from the 
relevant department shall be submitted. Where a branchchanges it
s location of business premises, a certificate of use of the new
business premises shall be submitted.

  The company registration authority issues a new Business Lic
ense if itapproves the registration of change.Article 44

  Where a company withdraws its branch, the cancellation of re
gistrationshall, within 30 days from the date of making the deci
sion of withdrawal,be applied for with the company registration 
authority of the branch. Inapplying for cancellation of registra
tion, the application forcancellation of registration signed by
the company's legal representativeand the branch's Business Lic
ense shall be submitted. After havingapproved the cancellation o
f registration, the company registrationauthority shall withdraw
the branch's Business License.

  【章名】 Chapter 8 Procedure of RegistrationArticle 45

  After having received all the documents as submitted under t
heseRegulations, the company registration authority will issue t
o theapplicant a Notification of Acceptance of Company Registrat

  The company registration authority shall, within 30 days fro
m the dateof issuing the Notification of Acceptance of Company R
egistration, make adecision of approval or refusal to register.

  Where the company registration authority approves to registe
r, itshall, within 15 days from the date of approval to register
, notify theapplicant and issue, change or withdraw the Business
License of EnterpriseLegal Person or the Business License.

  Where the company registration authority refuses to register
, itshall, within 15 days from the date of making the decision, 
notify theapplicant and issue a Notification of Refusal of Compa
ny Registration.Article 46

  When a company conducts registration of establishment or alt
ernation,it shall pay registration fee to the company registrati
on authority inaccordance with the relevant provisions.

  When drawing a Business License of Enterprise Legal Person, 
the fee ofestablishment registration shall be paid at one thousa
ndth of theregistered capital; Where the registered capital exce
eds RMB ten million,the fee for the exceeded part shall be paid 
at point five thousandth ofit; Where the registered capital exce
eds RMB one hundred million, the feefor the exceeded part does n
ot need to be paid.

  When drawing a Business License, the fee of establishment re
gistrationis RMB 300.

  When changing the registered items, the fee of alternationre
gistration is RMB 100.Article 47

  The company registration authority shall record the company'
sregistered items that have been approved to register on the com
panyregister for the public to look up or duplicate. In looking 
up orduplicating the company's registered items, the fee of look
ing up or ofduplicating shall be paid according to the relevant 
provisions.Article 48

  A company limited by shares shall, within 30 days from the 
date ofapproval of registration of its establishment, alternatio
n orcancellation, issue an announcement of registration of estab
lishment,alternation or cancellation, and shall, within 30 days 
from the date ofissuing the announcement, submit the announcemen
t as issued to the companyregistration authority for record. The
content of the announcement ofregistration of establishment, a
lternation or cancellation issued by thecompany shall be in conf
ormity with that of registration approved by thecompany registra
tion authority; In case of non-conformity, the companyregistrati
on authority has the power to require the company to modify.

  The announcement of revoking the Business License of Enterpr
ise LegalPerson and the Business License is issued by the compan
y registrationauthority.

  【章名】 Chapter 9 Annual ExaminationArticle 49

  In every year from January 1 through April 30, the companyre
gistration authority conducts annual examination of companies.Ar
ticle 50

  According to the requirements of the company registration au
thority, acompany shall accept the annual examination within the
fixed time, andsubmit an annual examination report, an annual b
alance sheet, a profit andloss statement and a copy of the Busin
ess License of Enterprise LegalPerson.

  In the documents of annual examination submitted by a compan
y whichhas set up a branch or branches, the relevant situations 
of the branch(s)shall be clearly reflected, and a duplicate of 
the branch's BusinessLicense shall be submitted.Article 51

  The company registration authority shall, according to the d
ocumentsof annual examination submitted by a company, examine th
e situationsrelating to the company's registered items so as to 
confirm itsqualification of continuous operation.Article 52

  A company shall pay the annual examination fee to the compan
yregistration authority. And the annual examination fee is RMB 5
0 yuan.

  【章名】 Chapter 10 Administration of Certificates, License
s and FilesArticle 53

  The Business License of Enterprise Legal Person and the Busi
nessLicense as divided into originals and duplicates which have 
the equallegal effect.

  The original of the Business License of Enterprise Legal Per
son or ofthe Business License should be laid up in an eye-catchi
ng place of thecompany's domicile or of the business premises of
the branch.

  The company may, according to the needs of operation, apply
to thecompany registration authority for duplicates of its busi
ness license.Article 54

  No unit and individual shall forge, alter, let out, lend or
assignthe business license.

  If the Business License is lost or damaged, the company shal
l announceit invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated 
by the companyregistration authority, and shall apply for an re

  According to the relevant provisions of state, where the cop
y of theBusiness License submitted by the company to relevant un
it(s) needs to besealed by the company registration authority, i
t can seal on the saidcopy.Article 55

  The company registration authority may temporarily distrain 
thebusiness license which needs confirmation, and the time limi
t ofdistrainment shall not exceed 10 days.Article 56

  Borrowing and reading, copying, carrying and duplicating the
documentsof company registration files shall be conducted in ac
cordance with thelimits of authority and procedure as prescribed
by law.

  No unit and individual shall revise, daub, mark or break dow
n thedocuments of company registration files.Article 57

  The forms of the original and duplicate of the business lice
nse andthe forms and the tables of important official documents 
concerningcompany registration are formulated unitarily by the S
tate AdministrationBureau for Industry and Commerce.

  【章名】 Chapter 11 Legal LiabilitiesArticle 58

  A company which, when registering, falsely reports its regi
steredcapital and has obtained registration of company shall be 
ordered toremedy the situation and fined at least five per cent 
and no more than tenper cent of the amount of the registered cap
ital falsely reported by thecompany registration authority. If t
he case is serious, the company'sregistration shall be canceled 
and the business license withdrawn. If thecase constitutes a cri
minal offence, criminal responsibility shall beinvestigated in a
ccordance with the law.Article 59

  A company which, when registering, presents false documents
oremploys other deceptions and has obtained registration of com
pany shall beordered to remedy the situation and fined at least 
RMB 10,000 and no morethan RMB 100,000 by the company registrati
on authority. If the case isserious, the company's registration 
shall be canceled and the businesslicense withdrawn. If the case
constitutes a criminal offence, criminalresponsibility shall be
investigated in accordance with the law.Article 60

  A promoter or shareholder who does not pay cash or property 
in kind ordoes not transfer property rights, so making a false c
apital contribution,shall be ordered to remedy his wrongs and fi
ned at least five per cent andno more than ten per cent of the c
apital which has been falselycontributed.

  If the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal respons
ibilityshall be investigated in accordance with the law.Article 

  A promoter or shareholder who illicitly withdraws his capita
lcontribution after the establishment of the company shall be or
dered tocorrect his wrongs and fined at least five per cent and 
no more than tenper cent of the capital contribution illicitly w
ithdrawn. If the caseconstitutes a criminal offence, criminal re
sponsibility shall beinvestigated in accordance with the law.Art
icle 62

  A company which, without justification, fails to commence b
usinessmore than six months after establishment or ceases to do 
business for morethan six consecutive months after commencing bu
siness, shall have itsbusiness license canceled by the company r
egistration authority.Article 63

  When a company changes its registered items, but fails to ca
rry out achange of registration as required by the provisions, t
he companyregistration authority shall order it to register such
changes within atime limit; Failure by the company to do so wit
h in the time limit, itshall be subject to a fine of at least RM
B 10,000 and no more than RMB100,000.Article 64

  In the event of a merger, division, reduction of registered 
capital orliquidation, if the company does not send notice to or
publish publicnotices to its creditors in accordance with the r
elevant provisions, itshall be ordered to remedy the situation a
nd be subject to a fine of atleast RMB 10,000 and no more than R
MB 100,000 by the company registrationauthority.Article 65

  If a liquidation group does not file a liquidation report wi
th thecompany registration authority in accordance with the rele
vant provisions,or the liquidation report conceals important fac
ts or contains significantomissions, the wrongs shall be ordered
to be remedied by the companyregistration authorities.Article 6

  If a company does not apply for the cancellation of registra
tion afterthe liquidation of bankruptcy or dissolution has concl
uded, the businesslicense shall be revoked by the company regist
ration authority.Article 67

  If a company limited by shares does not publish public notic
es withinthe fixed time limit after its establishment, change or
cancellation hasbeen registered, or the content of the public 
notices as published is notin conformity with that of the regist
ration approved by the companyregistration authorities, the wron
gs shall be ordered to be remedied bythe company registration au
thorities. If the company refuses to remedy, itshall be subject 
to a fine of at least RMB 10,000 and no more than RMB100,000. If
the case is serious, the company's business license shall berev
oked.Article 68

  A company which does not accept annual examination in accord
ance withthe relevant provisions shall be fined at least RMB 100
,000 and no morethan RMB 10,000 and required to accept the annua
l examination within afixed time limit by the company registrati
on authority. If the companydoes not yet accept the annual exami
nation at the expiration of thespecified period, its business li
cense shall be revoked. A company whoconceals real situations an
d practices fraud shall be fined at least RMB10,000 and no more 
than RMB 100,000 by the company registration authority,and shall
be ordered to remedy the wrongs within a fixed time limit. Ifth
e case is serious, the company's business license shall be revok
ed.Article 69

  A company which forges, alters, lets out, lends or assigns i
tsbusiness license shall be fined at least RMB 10,000 and no mor
e than RMB100,000 by the company registration authority. If the 
case is serious,the business license shall be revoked. If the ca
se constitutes a criminaloffence, criminal responsibility shall 
be investigated in accordance withthe law.Article 70

  A company which does not lay up its business license in aney
e-catching place of the company's domicile or of the business pr
emisesshall be ordered to remedy the situation by the company re
gistrationauthority. If the company refuses to remedy, it shall 
be fined at leastRMB 100,000 and no more than RMB 5,000.Article 

  A company which is engaged in business activities beyond the
businessscope as approved to register shall be ordered to remed
y the wrongs by thecompany registration authority, and it may al
so be subject to a fine of atleast RMB 10,000 and no more than R
MB 100,000. If the case is serious, thecompany's business licens
e shall be revoked.Article 72

  A company not lawfully registered as a limited liability com
pany or acompany limited by shares but falsely making use of the
title "limitedliability company" or "company limited by shares"
, shall be ordered toremedy the situations or outlawed by the co
mpany registration authority,and it may also be subject to a fin
e of at least RMB 10,000 and no morethan RMB 10,000. If the viol
ation constitutes a criminal offence, criminalresponsibility sha
ll be investigated in accordance with the law.Article 73

  If the company registration authority registers a company wh
ich doesnot meet the registration requirements as provided, and 
the case isserious, the personnel in charge of the matter who ha
ve directresponsibility and other personnel with direct responsi
bility shall besubject to administrative sanctions in accordance
with the law. If ahigher level company registration authority o
rders a lower level companyregistration authority to register a 
company which does not meet theregistration requirements as prov
ided, or covers up an unlawfulregistration, the personnel in ch
arge of the matter who have directresponsibility and such other 
persons with direct responsibility shall besubject to administra
tive sanctions in accordance with the law. If theviolation const
itutes a criminal offence, criminal responsibility shall beinves
tigated in accordance with the law.

  【章名】 Chapter 12 Supplementary ArticlesArticle 74

  The registration of a branch as subsidiary set up by a forei
gn companywithin the territory of the People's Republic of China
shall be conductedin accordance with the relevant provisions of
the State Council.Article 75

  These Regulations apply to the registration of the limited l
iabilitycompany with foreign investment. Where the laws or admin
istrativeregulations on enterprises with foreign investment prov
ide otherwise, theprovisions of such laws or administrative regu
lations apply.Article 76

  These Regulations come into effect as of July 1, 1994.

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