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【华思道培训项目招募】China Solutions Mentor Program [复制链接]



Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

上海市 宝山区


发表于 2011-5-5 21:07:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

新一轮华思道培训项目开始招募啦! 对于准备从事法律职业尤其是想出国深造的同学是一个很好的锻炼机会,在这里你将获得无可替代的实践经历和职业技巧,为你将来的职业道路扫除障碍,做好充分的准备。详情参见http://www.chinasolutionsllc.com/mentor-program/.               


培训日期:                               五月和六月的各两个周六
课程时间:                              依授课人数而定
地点:                                       静安区富民路197弄
讲师:                                      Nestor Gounaris(华思道创办者)
联系:                                       申请者请发送简历至mgarcia@chinasolutionsllc.com


每节课程都由华思道创办者Nestor Gounaris组织互动讨论授课(大约10个学生),Nestor Gounaris以在中国从事律师职业长达10年,曾任职于著名国际律师事务所西蒙斯律师事务所(Simmons & Simmons)。希望课程参与者积极参与讨论和互动活动。


  • 简历和求职信
  • 面试
  • 电话及电子邮件沟通与写作
  • 备忘录写作
  • 时间管理






听课、守时:             应当参加所有的课程、请准时参加授课
作业:                         每节课程开始之前完成之前所留作业
课程参与:                 应当积极参与,满怀热情并有求知欲望





——邵颖君, 华东师范大学2009年法律硕士,现中国持证律师

我于2006年参加了华思道的项目培训,从我敬爱的导师Nestor Gounaris以及其他客座讲师。我学会了如何写好一份好的简历和一些其他的技能。一份成功的简历必须将所有有益的信息比如学历背景及经验有系统的清晰的列明。同时,简历中不应该出现一些非专业及不合理的信息例如兴趣爱好之类。相信我,一份工整且内容充实的简历会让你在求职时显得与众不同。我依然记得当我第一次将这样的一份简历递给一家大型国有船舶公司的人事经理时,他赞叹道:哇,你的简历写得非常工整。然后我顺利的得到了这家公司的实习生岗位。

——王慧, 华东政法大学2010年法律硕士,计划去美国深造研读法律

                                            China Solutions Mentoring Program

                                                       Course Introduction

Dates:                                     Two Saturdays in May and two in June

Time:                                      To be specified upon acceptance.

Location:                                 197 Fumin Lu, Jing’An District

Instructor:                              Nestor Gounaris, China Solutions Founder & Principal

Contact:                                   Mateo Garcia, mgarcia@chinasolutionsllc.com


China Solutions LLC (Shanghai) is a boutique legal and operational consulting firm assisting international clients in their pursuit of China-based commercial objectives. The China Solutions Mentoring Program delivers a dynamic and personalized platform for law students to develop necessary skills to enhance their ability to realize professional opportunities.

Each session of the program will be conducted as a small (approximately 10 student) seminar by CS founder and principal Nestor Gounaris, a lawyer with ten years experience working in China, including at the major international law firm Simmons & Simmons in Shanghai.


  • English resumes and cover letters
  • Job interviews
  • Workplace telephone and email communication
  • Memo writing
  • Personal time management

Work Opportunities

Based on the close, cooperative relationship that will develop between CS and mentorees throughout the mentoring program, CS intends to invite several mentorees to join the company as interns and then select certain interns to join CS as full time associates after graduation.

Alumni Network

After completing the mentoring program, each mentoree will become part of the China Solutions Alumni Network, a platform connecting law students and lawyers in a variety of legal fields.

Program Expectations

Attendance & Punctuality:      Attend and arrive on-time to all program sessions.

Homework Completion:          Complete assignments as instructed before each session.

Session Participation:              Be inquisitive and actively participate in all sessions.


The program is offered without charge and expectations of mentorees include full & punctual attendance, homework completion, and active participation. Admission is based on personal and academic merit determined through resume submission and telephone interview. For additional questions, please contact mgarcia@chinasolutionsllc.com.

Testimonials from Previous Mentorees

In 2007, more than twenty candidates applied to take part in the CS Mentoring Program. I was lucky enough to become a member of the Program and luckier to complete the Program. If you never study or work abroad, the Program is somewhat like a preparatory class you must take before working for MNCs or foreign law firms. In the Program you will learn a lot of things that are never taught in college, but are essential for you to start your career, such as the western logical thinking style, organized and consistent writing methods, and sophisticated job-hunting skills. Besides, you will have a lot of fun in the Program making friends with your peers, the mentor and probably Scout, the mentor’s dog. Don’t miss the Program!

--Cecilia Shao

Shao Yingjun, East China University of Political Science and Law (LLM2009), has passed her PRC bar exam and is currently working as a lawyer in Shanghai

I took part in China Solutions Mentoring Program in 2006 and I learned a lot from my dear mentor – Nestor Gounaris - and other guest instructors. Among other skills, I learned how to write a successful resume. For example, all useful information such as educational background and legal experience should be included in an organized manner while unprofessional nonsense such as one’s hobbies should not appear. Trust me, such a neat and informative resume will make your application outstanding among others. I still remember the first time I handed over such a resume to the HR manager of a large national shipping enterprise and the manager said to me, “Wow, you have such a well-organized resume,” and  I got the internship I wanted.

-- Wendy Wang

Wang Hui, East China University of Political Science and Law (LLM 2010), will go to the United States for further education

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